NEW UPDATE: I'm back after what seemed to be about a month of being away... my hard drive got fried and I had to go out and get a new one... unfortunately they wanted to charge me $180 to move the files from the busted hard drive to the new one... it didn't happen. So my project won't be completed until I get the files off of the fried one. Not to mention that the files might not even be in tact. But yay for a super fast computer at the time!!! Boo for the loss of my files.
Mooha is the word! The word of the man! WE MUST RISE AGAINST THE MAN!!! We must defeat him! And his shortened evil laugh that is spoken like this... MOOHA! We will defeat the man and then we will be the ones saying MOOHA!
(Ignore the above... I was just rambling on about nothing... and if that wasn't very clear... mooha is a shortened version of the famous evil laugh!)